Link Building Services & Digital PR Campaigns Explained

Link Building Services & Digital PR Campaigns | Reboot

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The landscape of SEO is continually changing and developing. But one thing's for certain that link-building is still a hugely integral element of becoming a successful online business.

And as part of what we do at Reboot, Digital PR link building services is one of the five keystones of SEO needed to support a business’s website. The importance of building organic high-quality links that are relevant and authoritative in the media space has never been more important and there are various ways our team thrive for our clients.

At its simplest, we create captivating campaigns for our clients with sourced data, surveys and relevant graphics, which in turn ensures we get the best possible engagement from journalists who are interested in publishing our work.

Understanding link and placement types:

For your website to climb the rankings, you will need backlinks, which are a valuable asset as they give your website a positive vote of confidence when linked from another site. Backlinks are an essential way to be credited and for Google to recognise your content as reputable and trustworthy. Reboot Online only achieve links in ways that are within Google’s guidelines, and we never pay for links. Rather, we produce the highest level of content which is subsequently published by media publications. In many cases, they credit the work with a link to the study or your site. Completely organic, completely natural, and completely legitimate.

Some websites are more desirable and better than others when it comes to earning a link from them, whilst other websites are low-authority, over-optimised and potentially spammy, with an abundant of misused anchor texts and links created and placed on directory and forum sites.

These are the three main types of placements, and two main types of backlinks:

Follow link: When a website links to your website with no other rel attribute assigned to the link .

No-follow link: When the linking site adds a nofollow rel attriubte to the link, which can be seen in the HTML code by inspecting the link and/or viewing the linking documents source code.

In 2019 Google announced that the nofollow attribute was/is evolving, and that they (alongside all the other link attributes) can now be treated as hints for ranking purposes.

In the years preceding this welcomed announcement many digital PR agencies noted the decision by many large publications to apply blanket nofollow attribute rules even when they were essentially endorsing the documents being linked to as credible sources of information (as historically a follow link would do, and now a nofollow one can to).

Mentions: A mention is simply a reference to a brand and/or website which does not include a link to that website. These can come in the form of brand mentions (like 'Reboot Online'), domain mentions (like ''), or URL mentions (like '').

Brand mentions can have many benefits outside of SEO such as increased brand awareness and exposure, as well as potentially increasing brand searches following brand mentions being featured in relevant publications and in the right context.

How we build a successful Digital PR campaign that drives backlinks to your site:


It all starts with an idea. The team at Reboot are meticulous thinkers and go above and beyond when thinking of new campaign ideas for our clients. We hold regular brainstorming meetings with the entire team, pulling ideas from reports, statistical and governmental databases and coming up with our own ways to display unique data. Without a good idea, you’re almost predestined to fail. We didn’t achieve more than 1,800 placements for our clients last year without a good idea.  

Research and creation of content

We spend a lot of time researching our chosen campaign ideas. We use only the latest data available, or we come up with ways of producing our own. We will also pitch certain ideas to journalists, as well as requesting exclusive quotes from industry leaders.

Each member of the team has a fresh and exceptional way of writing and understands their target audience when writing up their research to send on to publications. We also have a few tricks up our sleeves that many digital PR companies do not possess – we have an incredible wealth of language capabilities. So not only is our research directed to British media outlets, but we target international newspapers, magazines and online portals to expand our client’s breadth of backlinks.


Our link acquisition specialists have a knack for sending out only the best campaigns to journalists. In turn, their flawless reputation is what shines, with many journalists working often and closely with us to publicise the content we create for them. Not to mention, we are good with putting together content that goes viral – take “Laura Arnolds the scorned wife” story for example which reached thousands of sites around the world. 

Advanced link building techniques:

  • Competitor analysis – discover common backlinks and referring domains
  • Digital PR – convert mentions into links
  • Content marketing – a crucial element to digital PR, determining key areas of content influence
  • Videos

Why does your website need links?

There’s no debating the importance of building premium links as part of your technical SEO audit, as the more high-quality links you get, the chances your website will rank well.

And although this is the main reason your company should look to hire an agency that operates online PR, there are less obvious benefits to your business.

  • Incoming traffic - If your website receives plenty of links from high-end websites, who receive a lot of visitors a day, then the chances are some of your links will direct traffic to your website. What’s more, if the website linking to your site is of a relevant industry and niche, then traffic could translate to leads.
  • Notable relationships - When our team outreach content for clients, we do so knowing we are building treasured relationships with industry influencers and journalists which demonstrates trust, efficiency and worth. We cater only relevant content to the journalists we work with and should the position of link-building in SEO change, we are left with genuine advocates for article ideas created from businesses that appear to be industry leaders.  

  • Building a brand - Ultimately, our role as link earning specialists is to help increase brand prominence and establish your business as a key leader in your niche with regular high-spec campaigns that any other SEO company would find difficult if not impossible to duplicate.  

If you’re interested in learning how digital PR and our link building services can be highly effective for your business, then feel free to get in touch with us below:


Group 2150@2x.webp