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Digital PR in Germany: How to Earn International Coverage


Ready to go global? Germany offers the perfect stage to amplify your brand's reach. However, the media landscape, journalist requirements, and publication policies mean you will need to adjust your techniques when carrying out digital PR in Germany in order to be successful. 

How can you earn international coverage in Germany? Let us tell you how.


Image showing international digital PR coverage in Germany



General German Market Overview

Digital PR is still an emerging strategy in Germany, which is both a good and bad thing. On one hand, there’s less competition, whereas, on the other, it can take some time to figure out what works. 

But fear not. We’ve taken our experience in offering digital PR services in Germany for some time now to show what kinds of campaigns work.  


Serious Ideas Work Well


The German media appreciates directness and authenticity, not clickbait.


Brainstorming serious ideas that offer unique insights and research should be your first step when looking to secure coverage in Germany. Serious digital PR campaigns thrive with German publications for several reasons. Firstly, German publications prioritise factual accuracy and in-depth information, aligning with the country's preference for directness and honesty. 

Secondly, by avoiding sensationalism and clickbait, serious campaigns establish trust and credibility, resonating with the German audience. 

Lastly, the German market values a steady and long-term approach, allowing well-crafted digital PR campaigns to build lasting relationships and secure comprehensive coverage.


German Publications Value Reputable Sources


Image showing the data sources we use in our German digital PR campaigns


It’s paramount that you use the best data sources for your digital PR campaigns when targeting Germany. German publications place a strong emphasis on reputable sources, so if you’re not able to provide them then you’re unlikely to succeed with your digital PR in Germany. Germans value accuracy and reliability, and reliable information provides the necessary credibility and trustworthiness to the information being shared. 

Germany has a robust tradition of fact-checking and rigorous journalistic standards — where relying on reputable sources ensures the publication maintains its integrity and upholds professional standards. 

Reputable sources also help German publications maintain their reputation as trustworthy and authoritative voices in the media landscape, attracting a discerning audience that seeks well-grounded and verified information.


Data-Heavy Campaigns Are the Way to Go


Image showing a headline of a data-heavy campaign


When targeting German audiences, data-heavy digital PR campaigns to earn quality backlinks have previously proved to be highly successful. In line with the previous points, it’s very clear that Germans value evidence-based decision-making and appreciate thorough analysis. By incorporating robust data and statistics into PR campaigns, it provides a solid foundation for the information being presented, enhancing credibility and trust. 

These types of campaigns demonstrate a commitment to transparency and objectivity, which aligns with German cultural norms. By providing quantifiable evidence and insights, brands and organisations can establish themselves as trustworthy and reliable sources of information, which in turn helps to build long-term relationships with the German audience.

Overall, leveraging data in digital PR campaigns allows brands to connect with German audiences on a deeper level, providing valuable and substantiated information that meets their high standards of reliability and accuracy.

How to Secure International Coverage in Germany


A step-by-step on how to secure coverage in Germany


1. Plan in Advance

It is essential to plan ahead with German digital PR and submit campaigns in advance to publications. 

German media outlets typically have longer lead times, and by providing materials ahead of schedule, you improve your chances of securing coverage and aligning with their editorial timelines. This is why reactive digital PR tends to be less successful in this country. 

Moreover, German publications prioritise accuracy and thoroughness, so allowing ample time for review and fact-checking ensures more reliable and comprehensive coverage. 

Additionally, strategic planning enables you to synchronise your campaign with relevant events, holidays, or industry trends in Germany, maximising the impact and relevance of your message. By demonstrating professionalism and respect for editorial processes, you increase the likelihood of successful media placements in a market that values foresight and precision.


2. Build Relationships

The ability to nurture relationships with journalists and editors is a key trait of the best digital PR agencies. It is a fundamental aspect of German digital PR. These connections offer valuable advantages in several ways. By cultivating trust and understanding, you gain insights into the preferences and needs of media professionals, enhancing the chances of your PR efforts resonating with them. 

Personal connections are influential in securing media placements, as journalists often rely on trusted sources. By positioning yourself as a reliable resource, you increase the likelihood of being featured. 

These relationships help navigate the cultural nuances of the German market, where personal connections hold significance. Investing in rapport-building can lead to fruitful collaborations and a deeper understanding of the media landscape. Finally, maintaining ongoing communication allows for valuable feedback and the opportunity to tailor PR strategies effectively. 


3. Be Prepared to Explain Your Campaign

By articulating your campaign objectives, strategies, and key messages in a clear and concise manner, you demonstrate professionalism and make it easier for journalists and editors to understand and evaluate your campaign's relevance.

German journalists often ask probing questions and seek in-depth information. They appreciate transparency and expect PR practitioners to have a comprehensive understanding of their own campaigns. By being prepared to provide detailed explanations, supporting data, and insights, you establish credibility and foster trust with the media.

Explaining your campaign effectively allows you to address any potential concerns or misconceptions early on. By proactively addressing questions or uncertainties, you can overcome scepticism and build a stronger case for why your campaign is newsworthy and valuable to the German audience.


4. Monitor Your Tone

Germans value professionalism and accuracy in communication. It is essential to adopt a tone that reflects a serious and knowledgeable approach. Avoid overly informal or casual language that may be perceived as unprofessional or lacking in credibility.

It's also worth noting that understanding the cultural nuances is key to getting the tone right. Germans like a balanced approach that combines professionalism with respect. Avoid being overly aggressive or confrontational in your language. Instead, aim for a tone that's respectful, diplomatic, and considerate.

Adapting your tone based on the specific context and target audience is vital. Different platforms or publications may have their own preferred style or tone. Researching and understanding the tone used by the media outlets you are targeting allows you to align your messaging appropriately and increase the chances of your PR efforts resonating with the intended audience.


Top Tip: In the realm of German PR, journalists aren't drowning in an avalanche of emails like their British counterparts. This means you have a golden opportunity to stand out and grab their attention. With less competition in their inboxes, German journalists are more likely to respond, giving you a higher response rate. Make the most of this advantage by engaging them, gauging their interest, and seeking valuable feedback. It's a chance to foster meaningful connections and build stronger relationships in the German media landscape. Don't let it slip through your fingers.

How to Approach Contacts for Digital PR in Germany

German Greetings

If you’re not sure of the gender of the individual you’re contacting, it’s best to opt for a gender-neutral greeting. The options you have are “Hallo” and “Guten Tag”. 

Other greetings have to be tailored to gender, meaning they have to be inflected at the end.


Polite greeting: 

- “Lieber (Herr X)” for men

- “Liebe (Frau X)” for women

This is a polite greeting but you would normally use it for people you know/are in a conversation with, so try to only use this once you have an established relationship with the journalist. 


Formal greeting:

- “Sehr geehter (Herr X)” for men

- “Sehr geehrte (Frau X)” for women

This is a very formal way of greeting in Germany, so it’s best to opt for this only when they have used it to respond to you, as they clearly prefer it.


German Sign Offs

If it’s the first time you’re talking to someone, use:

“Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

[Your Name]”

However, if you have previously communicated, mirror their behaviour. If they continue to use the above formal, but polite, sign off then it’s fine to do the same! But generally, it will be a little less formal and you can use “Viele Grüße” or “Beste Grüße”.

German Digital PR Mistakes to Avoid


Clickbait and Over-the-Top Sensationalism

It's crucial to steer clear of clickbait and sensationalism. Here's why: Germans value authenticity and reliability, so flashy headlines won't impress them. 

A lot of German publications like things straight to the point. They appreciate clear and honest communication.

Image showing a clickbait headline and an honest one


The German media are all about delivering well-researched and balanced content. If you think you can fool them with clickbait tricks, think again. Deliver content that's actually meaningful and reliable. That's how you'll win over the German crowd and score long-term success. 


Not Being Upfront and Honest 

Being upfront and honest is an absolute must. Seriously, don't even think about trying to hide stuff or beat around the bush. Here's why it's such a big mistake:

Germans appreciate directness and authenticity. They want you to be transparent. If you try to hide information or play games, it's going to backfire. Germans value accuracy and reliability, so honesty is your best bet for building trust and credibility.

The German media is no joke. They take their fact-checking seriously. If you're not upfront and honest in your PR campaigns, they'll sniff it out in no time. And guess what? That means you can kiss your chances of getting media coverage goodbye. 

Being upfront and honest shows that you've got integrity. It demonstrates that you respect your audience and value their intelligence. By giving them accurate and transparent information, you'll build trust and loyalty. And those are the secret ingredients for long-term success in the German market.


Setting Unrealistic Goals

When it comes to German digital PR, it's important to keep your expectations in check. Don't expect the same level of results as you would in the UK. 

The German market has its own pace. Things tend to move a bit slower compared to the UK. So, don't expect those immediate results. It's more about taking it steady and building relationships over time.

Image showing you often get more links in the UK than Germany

But hey, don't let this discourage you! While German digital PR may take a bit longer to see results, the potential for long-term success is there. Germany offers a strong and loyal market that can truly boost your brand. By understanding the German context, adapting your strategies, and embracing the local culture, you'll set yourself up for success in the long run.

In a nutshell, be realistic, take it slow, and embrace the unique opportunities that German digital PR brings. With a little patience and the right approach, you'll make a meaningful impact in this dynamic market.

Headline Tips for Digital PR in Germany


Image showing the headlines that work in Germany


Headlines That Work in Germany

 - Starting with a statistic, like “x% of Germans lie on their CV”. 

- Starting with "Studie" (study) quickly shows journalists what they're being sent and what to expect from the email.

- Starting with an awareness day or occasion date you are sending for. This creates urgency and gives the publication a clear reason why it's newsworthy right now. 


Words to Avoid in Your Headlines for German Outreach

- “Revealed!”: This does not usually work in German outreach. This is because the literal translation just isn’t used in headlines, whether that is at the start or the end.

- “Ranked!”: This word just doesn’t exist in German and would have to be replaced with a lengthy construction — ruining the snappy headline you worked so hard on. 

- “Mapped!”: This word comes with the same issue as with “ranked”. The literal translation would be too long for it to be engaging for German journalists. 

- "Instagrammable" isn't a word in German, instead opt for "most popular X on Instagram". 


Which subject lines perform best in digital PR across the board? Find out now. 

Reboot’s German Digital PR

Ready to make a splash in the German market and beyond? Our insider knowledge of the German media scene, for starters. We've got the right connections with top journalists, bloggers, and social media influencers who can't wait to spread the word about your brand. Our team speaks fluent German and English, so working with international clients is a breeze.

But here's the kicker: We're not just about Germany. We're all about global coverage. We've built an incredible network of partners and contacts all around the world. So whether you're targeting specific regions or aiming to make a splash internationally, Reboot will have you well on your way. 

Reboot is the ultimate choice for German digital PR and international outreach. We've got the skills, the connections, and the know-how to make your brand shine bright. So why settle for anything less when you can reboot your brand's success with Reboot? Get in touch today to find out what we can do for you.