Printing & Publishing Digital PR Agency

Earn authority links to your printing and publishing website.

Digital PR is an innovative industry, bringing traditional PR into the digital age. It aims to boost sales for printers and publishers by using online strategies to improve the brand's reputation and raise awareness. 

Digital PR is the process of organically earning links and online coverage with genuinely interesting and unique campaigns. This will increase your brand's visibility, make your business more appealing to consumers, and increase your sales. These digital PR placements are even endorsed by Google as a leading way to improve your SERP visibility and complement your SEO efforts. 

As an SEO agency, Reboot is at the forefront of digital PR, and we are seeing it become a key part of all future marketing strategies, so don't miss the opportunity to collaborate with the best. 


Printers and publishers: Meet your new digital PR agency

With engaging campaigns, digital PR can earn links organically and get coverage online. As a result, your brand will become more visible on the Internet, your business will appeal to your target audience, and conversions will increase. Digital PR placements are even endorsed by Google to improve the rankings of your website on SERPs.

By engaging in our set of carefully collated digital PR services, Reboot will ensure a consistent flow of organic traffic to your site regardless of where you currently are in terms of your online visibility. For printers and publishers, this means you’ll be in the perfect position to attract new customers as well as look after the ones you’ve already got. 


What digital PR can do for your printer and publishing company


Rank higher on search engines 

If you have trusted links driving traffic to your website, you can expect to see an improvement in your ranking on the SERPs.

Essentially, your website will start to be associated with these high-authority publications you’re featured in, which will, in turn, attract the attention of search engines when people are looking for your key terms.  

This higher ranking means you’ll be one of the first companies to pop up whenever someone types in something relating to your industry on any search engine. And, when we rely on Google so much every day, where you rank can make all the difference. Our aim is to get you as close to the top as possible. 

Enhance your online visibility 

It is essential to have people talking about your brand online in order to maximise exposure. The more people who are aware of your printing and publishing company, the more conversions you’ll see.

Boosting your online visibility will also help with word-of-mouth sales. Having your brand at the forefront of someone's mind increases the likelihood that they will recommend it to a friend. 

Build consumer trust 

You can also increase trust in your brand if you use digital PR to connect with influencers and journalists, who will then publish the research and campaigns. Seeing you associated with trusted news sites and blogs means your target audience will start to see your brand in the same favourable light.  

Aside from the SERP benefits of digital PR, being seen in some of your customers' favourite publications will mean they will begin to associate you together and view your company favourably. It will also boost the perception of your brand’s E-A-T; expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness in the eyes of Google. 

Drive website traffic 

By building up your backlink profile and making a focused effort in digital PR, your site will start to be featured on the first SERP more consistently. This means that you will be one of the first companies your potential customers will see when searching for terms related to printers and publishers. 

This will then result in more site visitors, giving you the chance to convert this visit into a sale.

Maximise your sales

By improving your visibility, trust, and traffic, you will also be able to boost your sales significantly. Combining an increase in site visitors with the E-A-T you have established will make the act of converting sales and having repeat customers far easier. 

Our services not only include digital PR solutions, but we also provide SEO and content marketing strategies to convert your website visitors into customers once they have found your company. 


Digital PR strategies that work 


Comprehensive link-building campaigns 

At Reboot, we focus on topical placements on authoritative sites that will increase both your ranking positions as well as your authority within your niche. 

Our benefit of working with Reboot is that we can access data that no one else has, making journalists more responsive and helping to tell this unique story. When combined with our seemingly endless stream of creative ideas, you’re guaranteed success. 

As part of Reboot's outreach service, we target niche publications you'll need to gain exposure and develop a relationship with in order to achieve that level of trust. To put it simply, we don't believe you should design your outreach plan according to a cookie-cutter formula. Instead, we will work with you to create a highly tailored outreach plan that matches the needs and goals of your campaign. 

On-site assets

As part of our services, our data team, which is the biggest of any UK-based digital PR company, can scrape and analyse raw data and uncover previously undiscovered marketing angles. Not satisfied with just using these valuable insights in our campaigns, our team will then take the information and produce wholly unique on-site assets. 

These assets will be written by our skilled team who produce captivating SEO content that is bound to reel in the readers. This written content is then paired with clever graphics which are produced in-house. Our creative team uses data visualisation tools to develop interesting stories for journalists to pick up, and displays our compelling data in an easy-to-digest manner. After the ideas are developed, they are then brought to life through compelling storytelling. 

The on-site content we create for our campaigns also helps rank them higher in search results as well as makes them shareable and encourages backlinks.

Country-specific and global campaigns

Our outreach flexibility means that we can focus our efforts on targeting the country where your brand is based. This way, your brand will be able to be placed in local and relevant publications, therefore targeting all your potential customers. 

We run niche advertising campaigns as part of our specialist marketing strategy to gain the attention of relevant publications. There is evidence to suggest that improving your SEO through local websites will have a greater influence on your SEO than focusing on national publications alone.

However, if you want to go worldwide then we can do this too. Our campaigns can be tailored to the international market by translating them into different languages, depending on the intended country. 

Given that our staff speaks over 19 languages, we have the ability to translate campaigns into targeted languages based on the intended audience. Whatever your outreach needs are, whether you are aiming global or at a specific continent, we have the right tools to get the job done. 

From an SEO standpoint, gaining international links is still beneficial even if you haven't expanded abroad. Whatever the source of the link is, an authoritative link will still make a positive impact on your SERP rankings, regardless of where it originates from.

That is one of the advantages of working with us at Reboot. We have the skills to tailor your digital campaign to whichever scale is appropriate for your business goals and your marketing budget - whether you’re looking to stay local or have a quest for global domination in your field. 

Targeted inner-page campaigns

 A successful digital PR strategy is one that targets inner pages, not just your homepage. This means that you won’t just rank highly on the SERP for one page, but for multiple pages across your website. 

With many years of experience in anchor text and internal linking, Reboot has a team of experts in this area of digital PR. Our team of specialists works closely with clients to ensure that the pages that matter the most are benefited by our services. 

Newsjacking and reactive campaigns

You‘ll never miss breaking news coverage with Reboot. We are always looking for ways to run newsjacking campaigns and snap reactive campaigns in our digital PR team. 

Our reactive campaign calendar is tailored to make sure we know which national days are coming up for your photography brand or specific reports we can release expert commentary on. On top of that, our team holds ideation meetings each morning to analyse the news and find relevant stories to jump on. 

We analyse the results of each campaign to determine which are effective and which are not. We also understand that no two businesses are alike, so our marketing strategies are always personalised to meet your individual needs. 


Earning targeted links for inner category pages

We were challenged with creating campaigns that would earn links to some of our client’s inner pages. From an in-house brainstorming session with the digital PR team, we came up with the idea “Books with the Most Disappointing Endings” to target their book category pages. 

After scraping data from Goodreads reviews, we were able to find the popular books that left readers feeling let down. This campaign went on to earn over 10 placements but more importantly, follow links in authoritative and well-known publications, including The Washington Post, Esquire, MSN and German site, Stern

We sought to increase exposure for our client's category page across multiple national sites and industry-specific news outlets with this campaign. Not only this but we also took advantage of these inner pages as they link to other areas on the site. This way, we distributed 'link juice' throughout our client’s entire website.

See the results for yourself via our placements page, which is updated in real-time


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