Outreach Service

By far the most crucial stage of any digital PR or content marketing campaign, content outreach is often the most difficult and most neglected.

As a digital PR company, our digital outreach service has been finely tuned over years of trial and error. Today, we offer one of the finest and boutique SEO outreach services available. 


What is Digital PR Outreach?

Digital PR outreach is the process of reaching out to journalists, influencers, bloggers and all other types of online publishers with the primary aim of making them aware of the content campaigns we have created and therefore consider publish the research.

Good digital outreach also ensures that new relationships are nurtured so that you become a trusted source of data, research and information for years to come; meaning our emails are continuously opened and read.

Types of outreach:

We carry out 3 main types of outreach services:

1. PR and editorial outreach

Reaching out to journalists who work for some of the most influential and authoritative publications in the UK, Europe and rest of the world. Traditionally, this could be national and regional press as well as some high visibility magazines and publications. Years of experience and a solid reputation ensures our digital PR campaigns are used and respected by material hungry journalists.

2. Influencer or Blogger outreach

Powerful tactics which ensures your PR campaign reaches bloggers and influencers with authority and a large readership. Topical relevance is also greatly increased.

3. Social media outreach

A marketing channel that gets your content in front of receptive and engaged followers.

Why Is Outreach important?

No matter how good a piece of content or online asset is, if no one knows about it, then it’s difficult to get the initial traction going. You can think of PR outreach as that initial push to get the content or PR campaign created seen and published. A trigger that, if done correctly can be the difference between a low and high response to a viral campaign.

What makes Reboot outreach so successful?

Our digital PR outreach is different. We don’t use generic lists and we don’t use automated emails to spam contacts. It also goes much deeper than just making sure our subject line is catchy and interesting (although that always helps). Each individual contact is meticulously developed until we not only become principal sources but a realistic platform for journalists looking for their next piece of content or news item.

Yes, unlike any other SEO company or outreach service out there, we have journalists regularly chasing us for the latest research or story. 

Why Choose Reboot PR Outreach services?

Simple. We only ever outreach extremely high-quality research perfectly matched in tone and substance to the target journalist and his or her area of expertise. We are fully aware that even one poorly judged outreach email can ruin a reputation that has taken years to establish. Hence why we will never outreach a negative or self-promotional piece. We insist all pieces are completed by our in-house digital PR, content marketing service or via a close coordination with us prior to release.


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